3 Facts About the Wai‘ale‘ale Crater

Taking a helicopter tour should definitely be part of your travel plans while vacationing on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. From a bird’s-eye vantage point, you can take stunning pictures of the tropical landscape, including the crater on 5,148-foot Mount Wai’ale’ale. Here are a few interesting facts about the mountain.

What Should You Know About the Wai‘ale‘ale Crater?

1. The Locale Is One of the Rainiest Places on the Planet

The second highest point on Kauai is located in the town of Kukuiula. Make sure to bring a raincoat for the helicopter tour, as the mount receives an average of 450 inches of rainfall each year. In fact, the name “Wai‘ale‘ale” can be translated to “rippling water.” The wet conditions help the thick greenery in the mountain range thrive. Although the volcano is inactive today, lava once flowed through its most lush areas.

2. Few People Have Reached the Summit

Reaching the mountain’s summit is a goal few people have achieved. Throughout the early 1900s, state workers would follow the old, worn trail by mule to reach as close to the top as possible. The trail is challenging to navigate, which is why few people have seen the summit’s desolate terrain and beautiful vegetation. However, the area does contain some manufactured features, including a rock platform and a diverted lake that filters water to the east and west.

3. The Crater Is at the Base

During an aerial tour, the helicopter will fly over the base of the mountain so that you can take in the crater. This kind of transportation offers a much safer way to see the crater instead of navigating the muddy, challenging terrain on a hike. From the crater, you can view the weeping walls, which are a series of waterfalls that span over 5,000 feet.