3 Kauai Landmarks You Need to See From the Sky

If you’re planning a trip to Kauai, going on an aerial tour will allow you to see the island’s most popular landmarks in a unique way. Viewing these natural wonders from above will help you appreciate their beauty and let you capture stunning vacation photos. Here are some landmarks to enjoy from above.

What to View on Your Next Kauai Aerial Tour

1. Na Pali Coast

The Na Pali Coast is a series of cliffs that collide with the Pacific Ocean, and the terrain formed over years of volcanic eruptions. From above, you can take in the vastness of the area and get a full view of that side of the island. Additionally, the terrain around the Na Pali Coast is difficult to navigate on foot or by vehicle, so seeing it from above is one of the most accessible options.

2. Waimea Canyon

Waimea Canyon is about ten miles long and 3,000 feet deep. It’s made of red soil that has eroded through the years to display some truly unique terrain.

You can drive and walk through parts of it, but it’s difficult to get a view of the entire area without seeing it from above. During an aerial tour, you can behold more of it than you would on foot.

3. Mount Waialeale

Mount Waialeale is a 5,000-foot peak that’s constantly surrounded by clouds. It gets ample rainfall, making the mountain and its surrounding areas one of the wettest places on earth.

The weather conditions and height make it difficult to see this peak up close unless you view it on an aerial tour. This type of excursion also lets you get into the clouds and feel like you’re actually on the mountain.